Oaks Christian Online School launched in 2011 to provide excellence in online education for students and families looking for a Christian, private, independent, college-prep online program to meet their online learning goals.
Our vision is to come alongside families in need of an online education solution outside the traditional five day a week school schedule. Our online learning academic courses help students develop outside-of-school pursuits, giving them the ability to name the time and place where they learn. As an extension of Oaks Christian School, we have access to additional resources that help students succeed online and achieve their collegiate goals while also being supported in a loving, relational, Christian school environment.
We offer accredited and NCAA-approved online courses along with a complete support system that allows students to concentrate on their personal pursuits alongside their coursework. Through our wide array of course offerings, from AP to Electives such as American Sign Language, Oaks Christian Online school can bolster current learning options and make for a more robust, complete educational experience.
Oaks Christian Online School is dedicated to assisting families reach their goals, while extending the reach of a Christian online learning education.
Mission To dedicate ourselves to Christ in the pursuit of academic excellence, artistic expression, and athletic distinction, while growing in knowledge and wisdom through God’s abundant grace.
…the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible word of God.
…that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
…that mankind was created good, but lost the hope of life eternal, destroyed his communion with God, and fell under the bondage of sin and death by rebelling against God‘s perfect way of life.
…that Jesus Christ is God‘s eternal Son, who redeemed humankind. As true God and true man, He was born of a virgin through the Holy Spirit, taught men how to live through His sinless life, took the consequences of our sin upon Himself in His passion and death upon the Cross, arose bodily from the dead on the third day after His death, was seen by His disciples, ascended to the right hand of the Father and will return in power and glory.
…that all are sinners, that all are called to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, that no one can come to the Father, except through Jesus Christ and that no one can come to faith in Christ, repent and attain holiness, but by the grace of God.
…as a gift from God, sexual intimacy is to be experienced only between a man and a woman within a marital relationship. We believe, therefore, that any other form of sexual intimacy is not in keeping with God’s plan for mankind.
…that the Holy Spirit is freely given to those that believe in Jesus Christ, that the fruits and benefits of Christ‘s redemption are applied to us individually by the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit lives in us and enables us to live godly lives.
…that at the end of the age there will be two resurrections: one to eternal life and glory, the other to eternal condemnation.
Oaks Christian School founded Oaks Christian Online in 2011 to assist private schools who desired expanded virtual learning options to reach more students, retain existing students, and reduce costs.
We work together with private schools to offer blended learning solutions that enable schools to expand Christian education offerings through 100% online courses. As an extension of Oaks Christian School, we utilize additional resources that further enhance the online learning experience and achieve your goals for your school and students. We design blended learning solutions for schools wherever they are on the spectrum of online education offerings.
Our comprehensive remote support system allows our partner schools to concentrate on serving their students. Through our wide array of accredited and NCAA-approved high school online course offerings, from AP to Electives such as American Sign Language, Oaks Christian Online can bolster current remote learning options and make for a more robust educational experience.
Our mission is to dedicate ourselves to Christ in the pursuit of academic excellence, artistic expression, and athletic distinction, while growing in knowledge and wisdom through God’s abundant grace. Oaks Christian Online is dedicated to serving schools, assisting families, and extending the reach of Christian education so together we thrive.
…the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible word of God.
…that there is only one God, eternally existent in three persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
…that mankind was created good, but lost the hope of life eternal, destroyed his communion with God, and fell under the bondage of sin and death by rebelling against God‘s perfect way of life.
…that Jesus Christ is God‘s eternal Son, who redeemed humankind. As true God and true man, He was born of a virgin through the Holy Spirit, taught men how to live through His sinless life, took the consequences of our sin upon Himself in His passion and death upon the Cross, arose bodily from the dead on the third day after His death, was seen by His disciples, ascended to the right hand of the Father and will return in power and glory.
…that all are sinners, that all are called to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, that no one can come to the Father, except through Jesus Christ and that no one can come to faith in Christ, repent and attain holiness, but by the grace of God.
…as a gift from God, sexual intimacy is to be experienced only between a man and a woman within a marital relationship. We believe, therefore, that any other form of sexual intimacy is not in keeping with God’s plan for mankind.
…that the Holy Spirit is freely given to those that believe in Jesus Christ, that the fruits and benefits of Christ‘s redemption are applied to us individually by the Holy Spirit, and that the Holy Spirit lives in us and enables us to live godly lives.
…that at the end of the age there will be two resurrections: one to eternal life and glory, the other to eternal condemnation.