www.speedtest.net – Click ONLY on GO, do not click on anything else on this page.
You will receive three numbers back 1) Ping, 2) Download, 3) Upload
Ping is the response time…smaller numbers indicate more rapid response time. Around 10 is fine.
Firefox and Chrome are the browsers we recommend for the best experience. If you are experiencing issues, we will recommend you try using one of these browsers as a first step.
Firefox Download: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/new/
Chrome Download: https://www.google.com/chrome/
Issues are almost always easily fixed by trying just a few simple steps. We will always recommend these steps and verify they have been completed before we move into more advanced troubleshooting, so be sure to let us know if you’ve already tried these when submitting a ticket.
1) Clear Browser Cache
Chrome: https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-the-Cache-in-Chrome
Firefox: https://www.wikihow.com/Clear-Cookies-and-Cache-in-Firefox
2) Try a different browser – Alternate between Firefox and Chrome after clearing your cache to see if that fixes the issue
3) Reboot – Shutdown and restart your computer
If none of these steps work, then send us an email to onlinesupport@oakschristian.org and we’re happy to help!
Just send us an email to onlinesupport@oakschristian.org and be sure to include as many details as possible when you send the email for the fastest response.
Examples of helpful details: The more information we have, the easier it is for us to help quickly!
Once we receive your ticket, we will typically respond within 24 hours during the business week, however busy times and holidays might result in a bit slower response time so please keep that in mind.
For classes and to help in troubleshooting, you may be asked to submit a screenshot or video of you performing a task.
Mac Screenshots – https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201361
Windows 10 Screenshots – https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/help/13776/windows-10-use-snipping-tool-to-capture-screenshots
We recommend Jing (free) as a program you can use to do this if you are unfamiliar with how this process works. You can download Jing for free here: https://www.techsmith.com/jing-tool.html and there are free tutorials that will help you learn how to quickly and easily learn to leverage this powerful tool.
Another option for screen recordings is https://screencast-o-matic.com/
In your courses, you will be asked to submit your work. For each assignment you will see what type of submission is accepted. If you see that a text entry box OR a file upload are allowed, you must only pick ONE of the submission types for it to save and accept. Take that OR very seriously! If you put both words in the text entry box AND a file upload, it will only save and show you submitted one.
In some cases, you may be asked to submit multiple items, but only see the “text entry” submission type. In that case, you may need to upload file types to office365 (or similar web-based storage like google drive), ensure permissions are set correctly, then share the link to view in the text area, so that your teacher can access the file for review, grading, and feedback.