Oaks Christian Online Learning Academy homeschool academy

A Teacher Story: God’s Power Made Perfect in Weakness

We are so deeply grateful for Laura’s presence at OC Online and how she followed God’s call here even through illness and uncertainty.  We so appreciate her witness to God’s ability to grow beautiful things from hard places.  She’s also just an extraordinary math teacher, curriculum developer and mentor to students.  Recently our OC Online chaplain called her a “legend”—and she is 100% right. 

Trusting God in a New Path 

I was working at a school in Texas as the Mathematics Department chair, Math teacher, registrar, resident statistician, and academic competition coach in 2013 when I began having symptoms of what would later be diagnosed as Fibromyalgia, a chronic pain and fatigue disorder.   

At that time, I had been praying for God to send me another job that would be less taxing on my body.  During a specific Bible study, God very clearly told me that I needed to quit my job first, and then He would provide a way.  That was by far the scariest thing I have ever had to do.   

But as soon as I told the principal of the school that this would be my last year, I had a friend approach me and ask what my plans were.  She happened to work for OC Online and put me in touch with the administration, and within a week I had my new job as a math teacher at OC Online!  God is so amazingly faithful to us when we listen to Him and obey what He asks us to do. 

Reflecting on 10+ years of Experience 

I taught in brick-and-mortar schools for 14 years and have now been working at OC Online for almost 11 years; I am almost at a 50-50 split in my teaching career.I love that I can have a more flexible schedule online which allows me to be very active in my church and community in ways that I never could when I worked in a full time in person school.  And yet, while I enjoy those activities, I am still given the opportunity to interact with and teach students, which is something that God called me to and has enabled me to continue doing.  OC Online always encourages me to dig deeper and be more intentional.  The devotions that we have as staff, and the many spiritual life opportunities always encourage me to stay connected with God and the body of Christ.  

Unexpected Blessings 

There were a lot of ways that I did not know what to expect when I started online.  From learning how to use the online teaching platform, to how we interact with students, to how we stay connected with the families, it was all new.  While I did come to miss being able to sit down with students one-on-one more often, the one thing that was probably the most unexpected was how well I was able to get to know some of my students.   OC Online is distinct in the wide range of diversity among our students.  It is so much fun to be able to teach and interact with students from all over the world and with different backgrounds and interests! It is amazing that I can feel a strong connection to students, and coworkers, who I have never met in person!  And yet through the unity of the Spirit, we are able to create close relationships through online communication.  What an unexpected blessing that is!   

If you are looking to explore if OC Online is a place that might bless you or allow you to bless others, let us know!   We’d love to connect. 

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